Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Understanding and Applying Benford’s Law

Febry Pamungkas           C1I016008
Krisna Try Prasetyo        C1I016009
Chrisna Bachtiar Octa     C1I016012
Fatedy Abdul Aziz          C1I016019

Understanding and Applying Benford’s Law

            There are many tools the IT auditor has to apply to various procedures in an IT audit. Almost all computer-assisted audit tools (CAATs) have a command for Benford’s Law.
Benford’s Law
Benford’s Law, named for physicist Frank Benford, who worked on the theory in 1938,3 is the mathematical theory of leading digits. Specifically, in data sets the leading digits are distributed in a specific, nonuniform way. Frank Benford found that the appearance of number 1 in the first digit of a random data has a percentage greater than number 2, number 2 has a percentage greater than number 3 and so on (see figure 1). The theory covers the first digit, second digit, first two digits, last digit and other combinations of digits because the theory is based on a logarithm of probability of occurrence of digits.
Benford’s Law holds true for a data set that grows exponentially (e.g., doubles, then doubles again in the same time span), but also appears to hold true for many cases in which an exponential growth pattern is not obvious (e.g., constant growth each month in the number of accounting transactions ). It is best applied to data sets that go across multiple orders of magnitude (e.g.,  income distributions). While it has been shown to apply in a variety of data sets, not all data sets follow this theory. The theory does not hold true for data sets in which digits are predisposed to begin with a limited set of digits.  For example would be small insurance claims (e.g., between US $50 and  US $100). The theory also does not hold true when a data set covers only one or two orders  of magnitude.
Proponents of Benford’s Law have suggested that it would be a beneficial tool for fraud detection. In fact, Benford’s Law is legally admissible as evidence in the US in criminal cases at the federal, state and local levels. This fact alone substantiates the potential usefulness of using Benford’s Law. Of course the usage of Benford’s Law needs to “fit” the audit objective. For instance, if the audit objective is to detect fraud in the disbursements cycle, the IT auditor could use Benford’s Law to measure the actual occurrence of leading digits in disbursements compared to the digits’ probability.
The objectives are equally applicable using Benford’s law, including  analysis of:
          Credit card transactions
          Purchase orders
          Loan data
          Customer balances
          Journal entries
          Stock prices
          Accounts payable transactions
          Inventory prices
          Customer refunds
Examples of data sets that are not likely to be suitable for Benford’s Law include:
          Airline passenger counts per plane
          Telephone numbers
          Data sets with 500 or fewer transactions
          Data generated by formulas
          Data restricted by a maximum or minimum number
The IT auditor will need to determine whether to run a one-digit test or two-digit test. The two-digit test will usually give more granular results, but is also likely to reveal more spikes than a one-digit test. Once the test has been run, the IT auditor will need to determine what results deserve more attention or whether  the results provide evidence or information related to the audit objective.  The results that show a digit that is lower than probable occurrence are generally ignored, unless the audit objective is in that direction.

The assumptions regarding the data to be examined by Benford’s Law are:
          Numeric data
          Randomly generated numbers:
v  Not restricted by maximums or minimums
v  Not assigned numbers
          Large sets of data
          Magnitude of orders (e.g., numbers migrate up through 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, etc.)
The mathematical theory has always been applied to digital analysis, i.e., a logarithmic study of the occurrence of digits by position in a number. It is important to note that one assumption of Benford’s Law is that the numbers in the large data set are randomly generated.  Thus, before applying Benford’s Law, the IT auditor should ensure that the numbers are randomly generated without any real or artificial restriction of occurrence.
Benford’s Law should be applied only to large data sets. It is inadvisable to use Benford’s Law for small-sized data sets, as it would not be reliable in such cases. Thus, some experts recommend data sets of at least 100 records. This author recommends that the data set be 1,000 records or more, or that the IT auditor justify why a lower volume of transactions is suitable to Benford’s Law, i.e., show that the smaller size still meets the other constraints and that size will not affect the reliability of results.
The IT auditor should be careful in extracting a sample and then using Benford’s Law on the sample. That is especially true for directed samples in which the amount is part of the factor allowing a transaction to be chosen. This is because the sample is not truly a random sample. For small entities, using a data set for the whole month, or a random day of each month, is a better sample for Benford’s Law purposes.
Benford’s Law can recognize the probabilities of highly likely or highly unlikely frequencies of numbers in a data set. The probabilities are based on mathematical logarithms of the occurrence of digits in randomly generated numbers in large data sets. Those who are not aware of this theory and intentionally manipulate numbers, are susceptible to getting caught by the application of Benford’s Law. The IT auditor can also apply Benford’s Law in tests of controls and other IT-related tests of data sets. However, the IT auditor needs to remember to make sure that the constraints (mathematical assumptions of the theory) are compatible with the data set to be tested.

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